
Apricot Folk - Ritual dancing guide

Home - Ritual Dancing - Longsword
A Brief History of Ritual Dancing
The Morris


ORIGIN       North East England - this sequence is a mixture of various traditions and made up figures based
                    mainly on Flamborough and Sleights (Yorkshire)  

THE SWORDS           
                   Originally these were steel and about 1” (2.5cm) wide and 36”  (1.8m) long. Although these are still
                   used today by adult longsword teams, it is usual for schools and novice learners to use wooden
                   swords of the same dimensions. Schools may find it a good way of using old yard rules or metre rules
                   which are about the same dimensions. Otherwise, they can be made from softwood moulding bought
                   from a DIY or hardware store. One end needs to be marked with sticky tape or have  notches cut in
                   about 3” (7.5cm) from the end to represent a handle. (Handles are wooden in steel swords)    

Old metre rule with a sticky-tape handle
Old metre rule with sticky tape handle

Purpose made with notches for the handle
Purpose made with notches for handle

Be sure to smooth the edges with sandpaper to avoid splinters

You may decide the swords are too long for small children and prefer to use a shorter sword. However you will need to experiment before making a final decision as the shorter the sword, the more difficult it is to make the lock which is an essential feature of the dance  

           Any fairly fast reels or jigs can be used. The dance is done to a fairly fast walking step  

          The main figures described here can be done more or less in any order but the order below is one can work successfully with children and novices.
          There are two ways described of making the Lock. The first way needs a definite pattern of moves leading up to it. The second way could be used at any time during the sequence and is the one least likely to go wrong.

Music - audio/longsword.mp3 
All march round in single file to left, holding swords in right hand, Hand should be as low as possible, and sword should be resting on right (inside) shoulder  
longsword circle left
All circle clockwise, holding own sword in right hand, tips pointing down and touching just above floor level. Hold tips still (8 steps) then gently tap tips together
 (8 steps)
longsword low rose
Bring sword tip round in front  in a vertical clockwise direction and reform rose with tips pointing up and touching. Hold tips still (8 steps) then gently tap tips together (8 steps)  
longsword high rose
All circle clockwise and bring swords down to rest on right (inside) shoulder, hand at shoulder height and tip pointing back. Grasp tip of sword in front with left hand. (16 steps)   
longsword inside shoulders
 All circle clockwise, and lift own sword in right handover head from inside shoulder to outside (left) shoulder (16 steps)
longhsword outside shoulders
All circle clockwise and bring hands down (still holding both swords) to waist level on left (outer) side
(16 steps)
logsword waist level
All circle clockwise, and bring hands (still holding both swords) up and over head to form a hilt and point (handle and tip) ring Finish facing in (16 steps)
longsword big inside circle
Throughout this figure, nobody lets go of their swords  (1) & (2) go down on one knee and hold the sword between them just above floor level.
The couple directly opposite (4) & (5) move forward to step over the lowered sword and separate to cast back to place bring their swords arching high over the set (3) & (6) following  and arching high back over the set (16 steps)
In the same way, (2) & (3) hold down, while (5) & (6) lead through and cast followed by (1) & (4) (16 steps) (3) & (4) hold down, while (1) & (6) lead through and cast followed by (2) & (5) (16 steps)
longsword casting over
Throughout this figure, nobody lets go of their swords  (4) & (5) hold the sword high.
The couple directly opposite (1) & (2) lead through the arch, and separate holding their swords high and cast back to place, arching over the set followed by (3) & (6) (16 steps)
In the same way (5) & (6) hold high, while (2) & (3) lead through followed by (1) & (4) (16 steps) (6) & (1) hold high while (3) & (4) lead through followed by (2) & (5)  All finish facing in (16 steps)  
longsword casting under
All circle clockwise, holding own sword in right hand, tips pointing down and touching just above floor level. Hold tips still (8 steps) then gently tap tips together (8 steps)
longsword low rose
Bring sword tip round in front  in a vertical clockwise direction and reform rose with tips pointing up and touching. Hold tips still (8 steps) then gently tap tips together (8 steps)
longsword high rose
While still circling clockwise, bring swords down to above head, with own sword (in right hand) pointing forward to dancer in front.
Then, with left hand, grasp tip of sword behind, holding both swords above head for next move (16 steps)  
longsword big outside circle
All turn individually to left (anticlockwise) to face in, keeping hold of swords all the time.
Bring hands down (keep palms facing upwards) and move hands apart to pass own handle (in right hand) under right neighbour’s tip and left  neighbour’s tip (in own left hand) over left  neighbour’s handle to make lock.
 All circle until lock made, and (1) holds lock high to present to audience. (1) brings Lock down flat into middle of circle and all grasp nearest handle and pull to break into low rose  
Lock can also be passed backwards over the heads of dancers round the circle until it reaches (1) again who lays it flat in the middle of the circle.
All grasp nearest handle and pull to break lock into low rose  
longhsword first lock
Circle clockwise (to left) and reform set into two lines of three, facing each other  
longsword lines
(1) & (6)  join swords across the set (holding the opposite tip in left hand and their own handle in right hand)
(2) & (5)  hold own sword vertically down point on floor (3) & (4) join swords across the set (holding the opposite tip in left hand and their own handle in right hand)  
longsword arches 1
(1) & (6) raise swords to make arch and take arch anticlockwise round set, going over (2), (3), (4) & (5) to finish in each others place. (3) & (4) arch over (5), (1), (6) & (2) in the same way to each other’s place     REPEAT the above until all back in original place   longsword arches 2
All join swords across the set (holding opposite tip in left hand and own handle in right hand)
Top couple (1&6) dance under middle couple’s (2&5) arch and then arch over bottom couple (3&4).
At the same time, the other couples are dancing a similar movement until all are in half way places  (1&6) at bottom, (2&5) in middle, facing down, (1&6) at top
Repeat pattern until all are back in original places
longsword dip & dive 1
FIRST (1&6) under; (2&5) over; (3&4) wait
longsword dip & dive 2
SECOND (1&6) over; (3&4) under; (2&5) turn
longsword dip & dive 3
THIRD (2&5) under; (3&4) over; (1&6) turn
longsword dip & dive 4
FOURTH  This is half way
All circle clockwise, holding own sword in right hand, tips pointing down and touching just above floor level. Hold tips still (8 steps) then gently tap tips together (8 steps)
longsword low rose
Bring sword tip round in front  in a vertical clockwise direction and reform rose with tips pointing up and touching. Hold tips still (8 steps) then gently tap tips together (8 steps)
longsword high rose 
All bring own sword down behind the person on your right, keeping own left arm close to your body.
When all swords are in position, bring own left arm over the sword that is behind you and place behind the person on your left.
Grasp hold of the point which is behind them (and which belongs to the person on their left).  
longsword second lock 1
All bring swords up over head keeping hold of swords all the time and bring down into middle of set. Keep palms facing up and cross own hands over, passing right over left to make lock.   longsword second lock 2  longsword second lock 3
(1) holds lock high and presents to audience Other dancers line up either side in a line of 6 longsword second lock 4



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