
Apricot Folk - Maypole Dancing

Home - Maypole Dancing - The Tangle
Maypole Dancing Guide
Maypole Dancing - A Brief History

The Tangle

Music - audio/the tangle.mp3

 One circle, partners facing each other. Ribbons held in hand nearest the pole.

DANCE - WIND UP        
 Partners dosido (4 steps forward passing right shoulders; reversing back 4 steps passing left shoulders to place) (4 bars).         Then move on one place in the direction they are facing, passing partner by right shoulder to meet the next dancer coming towards them.  (4 bars) This is their new partner. New partners dosido as before (4 bars) and then move on one place, passing right as before (4 bars). Repeat sequence until end of music.

Reverse direction of dance remembering that the dosido is now left shoulders out and  right shoulders backwards. Finish facing out and bow.

This dance could be done by partners going clockwise round each other once round to place then going past their partner on to the next. However, dancers are more likely to lose their sense of direction. As the name implies you are likely to end up with a tangle so put it as the last dance in your programme  

The Tangle ribbon pattern
 1st 4 bars
  The Tangle dancers track 1  
2nd 4 bars
 The Tangle dancers track 2  
 3rd 4 bars The Tangle dancers track 3  
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