One circle, partners facing each other. Ribbons on right hand.
Partners dance round each other clockwise until the end of the music.
Reverse direction of dance to finish facing out and bow.
Dancers will not get so giddy if this is danced as a series of dosido .
(4 steps forward passing right shoulders; reversing back passing left
shoulders 4 steps to place) .
A very Simple dance suitable for younger children.
A far more difficult version can be done by having 3 dancers in a
line and the middle dancer doing a Figure Eight round the 2 outside
dancers (clockwise round the right hand dancer anticlockwise round the
left hand dancer) This will give a plaited effect. Outside dancers need
to hold their ribbon gently to allow the middle ribbon to pull them
An even more sophisticated version can be done with 3 dancers in a
line doing a Reel of Three (each dancer weaves up and down the line of
three, 2 of the dancers starting by passing right shoulder) This will
give a plait. Whichever version is used, the overall effect will be as
in the picture.