
Apricot Folk - Maypole Dancing

Home - Maypole Dancing - Jacob's Ladder
Maypole Dancing Guide
Maypole Dancing - A Brief History

Jacob's Ladder

Music - audio/jacob's ladder.mp3

One circle, partners standing side by side as a couple facing another couple. Half the couples will be facing clockwise, half anticlockwise.  In this dance, the inside dancers (nearest the pole) do not move but act as ‘gateposts’ and need to keep their ribbons as rigid as possible. Only the outside dancers actually move, and need a gentle hold on their ribbons to prevent pulling the sides of the ladder together. 

DANCE - WIND UP        
Outside dancers dosido the one they are facing (4 steps forward passing right shoulders; reversing back 4 steps passing left shoulders to place) (4 bars). The outside dancers pass behind their own partner to face each other again but this time between the  ’posts’ and the pole (4 bars). The dancers dosido ( right shoulders out, left shoulders back) (4 bars). The dancers pass behind own partner to original place (4 bars). This sequence repeats twice (= 3 times altogether).

DANCE - UNWIND        
Dancers reverse direction and order of dance. Finish facing out and bow.
 Jacob's Ladfder ribbon pattern
Jubilee Crown (q.v) gives a similar overall effect and is an easier dance.
1st 4 bars
Jacob's Ladder dancers track 1
2nd 4 bars
Jacob's Ladder dancers track 2
3rd 4 bars
Jacob's Ladder dancers track 3
4th 4 bars
Jacob's Ladder dancers track 4
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