Formation - 4 couple square set |

A1 Head couples galop across the set boys passing back to back
(8 steps)
Heads galop back to
place, girls passing back to back
(8 steps) |

heads galop |

heads galop back
A2 Side couples galop across the set,
boys passing back to back
(8 steps)
Side couiples galopm
back to place,
girls passing back to
back (8 steps)

sides galop |

sides galop back |
B1 Head couples Right Hand star
(all 4 join right
hands and walk round
to left for 8 steps)
Head couples Left
Hand star
(all 4 join left
hands and walk round
for 8 steps back to place) |

heads RH star |

heads LH star |
B2 Side couples Right Hand star
(all 4 join right
hands and walk round
to left for 8 steps)
Side couples Left
Hand star
(all 4 join right
hands and walk round
for 8 steps back to place) |

sides RH star |

sides LH star |
A3 Head couples basket
(All 4 meet in middle
and make a tight circle,
boys linking arms round
girls' waists and girls
linking arms round boys'
shoulders. Spin the
circle to the left -
do not come back to left.
Finish in original head couples
place) |

heads basket |
A4 Side couple basket
(same as
head couples, finishing in original side couples place) |

side cpls basket |
B3 All join hands and cikrcle to the
left (16 steps) |

all circle left |
B4 All 4 couples promenade back to
(cross hand hold in front with
partner and with
boy on the inside, promenade
anticlockwise back to place) |

all promenade |
NOTE - An alternative way to making the basket is by the girls
joining 2 hands across the set. Then the boys join 2 hands across the
set over the girls. The boys lift their joined hands overe the girls
heads and then the girls lift their joined hands over the boys.
If making the basket proves too difficult, then just make a 4 haned
circle and circl to the left (8 steps) and back to the right