
Apricot Folk - Ritual dancing guide

Home - Ritual Dancing - Old Woman Tossed Up
A Brief History of Ritual Dancing
The Morris

Old Woman Tossed Up

Music - audio/old woman tossed up.mp3

ORIGIN             Brackley, Northants           

                           This is a handkerchief dance - two hankies (one for each partner) are tied together at one   
                          end and held like a ribbon between the two dancers for the entire dance. The hankies are
                          raised when necessary to accommodate the dance movements. All dancers use the right hand to
                          hold their end of the ’ribbon’

STEP                Step - hop throughout  left-hop  right-hop, left-hop. right-hop etc.  

A1     All face up with joined hankies held  

          FOOT UP AND DOWN
A2     All dance forward (up) 4 steps
          All reverse back 4 steps turning to face down on
          step 4
A3     Repeat, turning to face in on last step   
old woman 1
DIP AND DIVE           
          This can be danced the same as a Dip & Dive in country dancing
B1    Top couple (1&2) dance under middle couple’s (3&4) arch and (1&2) then arch over bottom couple (5&6)
    .    At the same time, the other couples are dancing a similar movement until all are in half way places  (1&2) at bottom, (3&4) in middle, facing down, (5&6) at top  
old woman dip & dive 1
1st: (1&2) under; (3&4) over; (5&6) wait
old woman dip & dive 3
3rd: (3&4) under; (5&6) over; (1&2) turn
old woman dip & dive 2
2nd: (1&2) over; (5&6) under; (3&4) turn
old woman dip & dive 4
4th: This is half way

old woman dip & dive colours
   = (1&2) route                             = (3&4) route                        = (5&6) route
[TIP: the end couples always go under the arch mad by the middle couple]
B2     REPEAT pattern until all are back in original places
          [Bottom  couple (1&2) then dance under middle couple’s (3&4)  arch then arch over top couple  (5&6)
At the same time, the other couples are dancing a similar movement]
         HALF GYP
A4     All face across, dance 4 steps forwards to finish next to partner right shoulders in a line of six; all reverse back 4 steps to place
A5     All face across, dance 4 steps forwards to finish next to partner left shoulders in a line of six; all reverse back 4 steps to place
old woman half gyp 1
old woman half gyp 2
Into line right  shoulders
old woman half gyp 3
Into line left shoulders

B3 & B4 
DIP AND DIVE as in  B1 & B2

A6     All dance forwards 4 steps passing partner by right
          All reverse back 4 steps passing partner by left to finish in own place  
A7     All dance forwards 4 steps passing partner by left
          All reverse back 4 steps passing partner by right to finish in own place  
old woman back to back 1
Pass by right and
 reverse back by left to original places
old woman back to back 2
Pass by left and
reverse back by right to original places

CROSS OVER           
A8     All face across set and dance forward 4 steps, passing partner by right           
          Turn to right and remain in partner’s place (4 steps)           
A9     Repeat to finish in own place  
Pass by right to change places
old woman cross over 2
Pass by right to original places

          This is similar to B1 EXCEPT dancer No.(2) passes OUTSIDE No.(4) to start and INSIDE No.(6)
          Dancers (1) (3) & (5) follow their usual route.
          This should make a knot
[Children may find it easier to make the knot by No.(2) dancing inside (4) & (6) to finish between (6) & (3), while No.(5) dances inside (3) & (1) to finish between (1) & (4)]   old woman alternative know
alternative way to make knot
B8      All dance clockwise to left and raise knot to finish old woman knot
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