
Apricot Folk - Maypole Dancing

Home - Maypole Dancing - Totem Pole
Maypole Dancing Guide
Maypole Dancing - A Brief History

Totem Pole

Music - audio/totem pole.mp3

 One circle, partners standing side by side, facing in. Left partner has ribbon in left hand; right partner has ribbon in right hand.        

Right partner dances round the pole back to own place (8 bars). Left partner dances round the pole back to own place (8 bars). Repeat, partners dancing alternately  until end of music.

Reverse direction and order of dance. Finish facing out and bow.

Remind dancers they start their move by passing in front of their partner, and dance once only round the inside of the circle to finish exactly where they started. (There is often a tendency for dancers to finish slightly inside their partner and their partner may then move behind them to start their move - resulting in a tangle when they come to unwind).  

1st 8 bars
Totem Pole dancers track 1 
2nd 8 bars
Totem Pole dancers track 2  
Totem Pole ribbon pattern 
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