
Apricot Folk - Maypole Dancing

Home - Maypole Dancing - Spider's Web
Maypole Dancing Guide
Maypole Dancing - A Brief History

Spider's Web

Music - audio/spider's web.mp3

Two concentric circles. The inside dancers do not move in this dance - they should stand (or kneel) facing out with the ribbon coming over their right shoulder. These ribbons need to be kept as rigid as possible. The outside dancers hold the ribbon in their right hand and face their partner.

Outside dancers dance clockwise once round own partner to place  (4 bars). Then dance on to the next inside dancer on the left (clockwise) and dance clockwise once round them (4 bars). Then dance on to the next inside dancer on the left (clockwise) and dance clockwise once round them (4 bars). And so on until each inside dancer has been danced round (or until end of music if shorter).

Outside dancers reverse direction of dance. Finish facing out and bow.

Insiders need to hold their ribbons as rigid as possible. Outsiders need to be careful not to pull too tightly on their ribbons. The length of the outside ribbons determines how far round the dancers can go.

Spider's Web dancers track Spider's Web ribbon pattern
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