
Apricot Folk - Maypole Dancing

Home - Maypole Dancing - Double Plait
Maypole Dancing Guide
Maypole Dancing - A Brief History

Double Plait

Music - audio/double plait.mp3

One circle, partners standing side by side as a couple facing another couple. Half the couples will be facing clockwise, half anticlockwise.

DANCE - WIND UP Each couple acts as one dancer and  all weave in and out as they dance round the pole in whichever direction they started facing. Start by passing right, then left with next, right with next and so on So clockwise couples will start by going out (over) and anticlockwise couples by going in (under).

DANCE - UNWIND Reverse direction of dance to finish facing out and bow.

NOTES This dance is exactly the same as Single Plait (q.v.) except it is dance with couples acting as individual dancers. A good dance to teach the weaving movement to younger inexperienced dancers as they can be paired up with older more experienced dancers.  

Double Plait dancers track  
Double Plait ribbon pattern
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