
Apricot Folk - Maypole Dancing

Home - Maypole Dancing - Chysanthemum
Maypole Dancing Guide
Maypole Dancing - A Brief History


Music - audio/chrysanthemum.mp3

 One circle, dancers equally spaced round the circle, facing in

 Dancers with the same coloured ribbon (e.g. all the reds) dance clockwise once round the pole finishing in original place (8 bars). Then all dancers with another colour (e,g all the yellows) dance clockwise round the pole finishing in original place (8 bars). Dance repeats until all colours have been used+

 Outside dancers reverse direction and order of dance. Finish facing out and bow.
 It helps if the colours are fixed to the pole in sequence (e.g. red/yellow/blue/green) all the way round. The next colour to go will then be the one to the right of the last colour that went. Once all the colours have been used, it is possible t continue the sequence for a second time which then gives a ‘stem’ to the chrysanthemum flower. This is a good dance for younger children who know their colours  

  effect after one sequence effect after two sequences
Chrysanthemum dancers track Chrysanthemum ribbon pattenr 1 Chrysanthemum ribbon pattern 2
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