
Apricot Folk - Maypole Dancing

Home - Maypole Dancing - Barbers Pole
Maypole Dancing Guide
Maypole Dancing - A Brief History

Barbers Pole

Music - audio/barber's pole.mp3

Two concentric circles - inner one facing one way, outer the other way
Ribbons held in hand nearest the pole.

Inner circle dances once round to place (8 bars).
Outer circle dances once round to place (8 bars).
Repeat to end of music, each circle taking it in turns.

Both circles unwind at the same time (see notes below). Finish facing out and bow.

 It helps to have the shorter dancers on the inside circle. When unwinding, dancers in the outer circle have further to go and therefore have to move faster than those on the inside. It may help if the inside circle walks round while the outside circle dances round. Both circles should then finish together. The colours displayed will be those held by dancers in the outer circle.  

Barbers Pole diagram Barbers Pole Ribbon Pattern
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