
Apricot Folk - Country Dancing

Home - Country Dancing - Snowball
An Introduction to Country Dancing
Country Dancing Terms Explained
A Brief History of Country Dancing


Music - 48 bar reels or jigs

Music -  audio/5 x 48 reels.mp3

Formation - 5 couple longways set

                     This dance can also be
                     done with 4, 6 or 7
                     couples (see notes)
5 cpl longways

Top (1st) couple right hand turn
          (8 steps)
Same couple left hand turn
          back to place (8 steps)
RH turn
RH turn

LH turn
LH turn

Top 2 couples (1s & 2s) right hand
         star (8 steps)

          Same 2 couples left hand star back
          to place (8 steps)
RH star
       RH star

LH star
LH star

Top 3 couples (1s, 2s & 3s) join hands
           and circle left (8 steps)

Same 3 couples circle right back to place
circle L
         circle L

circle R
circle R

    Top 4 couples (1s, 2s, 3s & 4s) join hands
         along the line (boys with boys, girls with girls)
 lines forward 3 steps and back to place

lines fwd & back
lines fwd & back

Bottom couple (5th) join 2 hands and galop
          to top of set

         Same couple separate and cast down
        outside of  own line back to place
snowball 1
bottom cpl galop up & cast

Top couple (1st) galop down to bottom of set

           All swing partner


     NOTE - If danced with 6 or 7 couples, the
                  dance will work if the above instructions
                  are followed.
                 .However, to avoid extra couple
                  standing out for one or two turns, it is
                  better in
C1 to send all couples who
                  have not yet done anything to the top
                  and cast back to place.
                 If danced with 4 coup[les, the 4th couple
                 will join in the lines of 4 and also galop
                 to the top

snowball 2
 top cpl down

crosshand swing
cross hand swing

arm swing
arm swing

The dance is called Snowball because it gets bigger as more couples join in
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