
Apricot Folk - Country Dancing

Home - Country Dancing - Ninepins
An Introduction to Country Dancing
Country Dancing Terms Explained
A Brief History of Country Dancing


Music - 32 bar reels or jigs  + extra few bars which stop suddenly

Music - audio/5 x 64+ reels.mp3

Formation - square set with one extra
                    person (boy or girl) in the
NP 1

Head couples (1st & 3rd) give 2
          hands to partner and galop
          across set (8 steps) and back
          to places (centre person - the
          ninepin - dodges out of the way)

NP 2
heads galop across

NP 3
heads galop back

Side couples (2nd & 4th) give 2
         hands to partner and galop
         across set (8 steps) and back to
         places (ninepin dodges)
NP 4
sides galop across

NP 5
sides galop back

Head couples make a ring of 4 round
          the ninepin and circle left (8 steps) and
          right (8 steps)

NP 6
heads circle the ninepin

Side couples make a ring of 4 round the
          ninepin and circle left (8 steps)  and right
         (8 steps)

NP 7
sides circle the ninepin

Ninepin swings the first girl (or boy if the
         ninepin is a girl)
while her partner
         (1st boy/girl)
goes to the centre of the set

NP 8
ninepin swings 1st girl/boy

NP 9
1st partner to centre

Ninepin swings 2nd girl (or boy) while
         2nd partner goes to the centre. The
         centre two do a 2 hand turn

NP 10
 ninepin swings 2nd girl (boy), centres 2H turn

Ninepin swings 3rd girl or boy) while
          3rd partner goes to centre. The centre
          three circle left

NP 11
ninepin swings 3rd girl (boy), centre 3 circle L

Ninepin swings 4th girl (or boy) while
         4th partner goes to centre. The centre
         four circle left

NP 12
ninepin swings 4th girl (boy) centre 4 circle L

Ninepin joins the centre four and
          all five circle left
          When the music stops suddenly,
          all the centres rush to find a new
          partner among the 4 girls (or
who are still in original places
The odd one out becomes the new ninepin

NP 13
centre 5 circle L
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